Monday, February 02, 2009

Cookie Pie!

The cooking adventures continue...for my friend Sarah's S'more party last week I wanted to make something but couldn't think of anything. Then, after seeing a recipe yet again on bread and honey (I should start paying them..), I thought that chocolate chip cookies would be yummy with marshmallow or just plain. And pie is always good, so I grabbed a recipe, placed it in a pie dish:

It was fun to mostly use my experience with baking - a little of this, a little of that, add some cinnamon, more chocolate chips. Plus, who doesn't love chocolate chip cookie bars? Everyone at the party loved it too, so much so that all that was left was:
Enjoy your Monday - I'll be dreaming of what else I can make tonight!


Kate Bennett said...

I love that you have a blog! Finally! Something good to read! I can attest that the cookie pie was delish as Nick ate the rest of my portion in addition to his. New rule: No more conversing while eating dessert. Must focus.

magooski said...

It is hard to keep your food when there are hungry husbands around!