Friday, April 13, 2007

how do you...

cope without sleep? I've been so sleepy lately because of lack of quality and quantity of sleep lately. I already drink coffee occassionally and would not like to be "dependent" on it. Right now it's a tasty treat in the morning or whenever, not usually a perk up method. Any tips for waking up during the day? I am so glad that it is Friday so I can hopefully get some sleep this weekend.

On a side note, we're back in the cat-sitting biz. Last night Annie (Kimberly's other kitty) became our new roommate and bed fellow. :). It should be interesting. We've only done this once before with Cleary's cats and they were so scared, but Annie seems ready to explore and happy to be with people who will pet her. I think it's for the best so she gets some love and isn't alone in her house. Never knew this would be such an intense cat week.....

1 comment:

simzgirl said...

Showers really wake me up. I only let myself have one cup of coffee because I am nursing, but even with that I never feel really awake until I shower.

Some people say exercise works too. I image because of all the adrenaline. But I never could work out in the morning.

Hope you get some sleep soon!