Sunday, May 06, 2007

the sunday blues

Now I know that I'm not the only one who feels this way (in fact Jason had the blues the worst back when he worked in the office on Mondays - now he's spared), but Sunday just brings such a pit to my stomach and a sadness over my being. I get all antsy, especially after a trying week like last week and wonder if this week will be even worse. I mean, last week wasn't bad, it was just tiring and mentally draining. The kiddos are getting more and more annoying (a word I voiced just on Friday to one especially deserving kid), my brain is slipping farther away, and the weather here is still a tad too dreary for me. I need some rich sun - none of this clouds all day shee-ite.
However, only 6 more weeks of school and then freedom for a little while. I just hope I don't run on empty for the next few weeks. Mental health days, here I come!

p.s. - on a side note, you know what's super fun? seeing a student at a house party up the street from your house. i was just there to see a band jason was photographing. he was smoking on the corner. ahhhh, nothing like seeing students in the 'ol private life.


DarkTrail said...

I get those Sunday Blues as well. Hang in there, and I hope the sun comes along soon. I'll just be glad after Friday as my AP US History students have their test that day, and after that my life will be much easier, that us until September.

Unknown said...

Thank goodness for some sunshine today! Too bad I don't work outside though :( I was saying it would be nice if work had a retractable roof, just like for baseball stadiums. Damn the luck.

I had a bit of Sunday night blues last night. It was such a lazy and fun weekend, I had a hard time letting it go. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Well said.