Monday, January 29, 2007

just because

You know when you get sick and then you start feeling better, so you start to do things again because you haven't been able to do them for a week or so but you know deep down inside that you're not totally healed but what the hey? Yeah, I'm guilty of that. Sick as a dog last week with a cold, but there wasn't a good day to take a sick day because of finals at school so drudge through I did until the weekend when I rested, but also tried to get in some leisure. Cut to last night, up till 4am with noisy neighbors upstairs playing video games and my nose, throat, and head all playing their own version of some ridiculous video game in my head. Even though I could sleep in a bit for work today, no rest was to be had with the plans for the next day running through my head along with a bit of beer and some ringing from a concert (Yes, I went to a free concert. To my defense I was feeling better. Then I started to feel sick. So it's my own darn fault)
However, this isn't a post about being sick. This is a post about the person who always takes care of me. This person made me tea in the middle of the night (the guys upstairs kept him up too), brought me some toast, gave me some Nyquil, put in Field of Dreams (a surefire way to place me blissfully into slumber), and brought my 3:30am lesson plans into school this morning. Then he went grocery shopping, is doing the dishes right now, and will be making dinner shortly. What a swell guy. All the while to the sounds of my apologizing for being sick.....sigh. When will I ever learn with the apologizing? Anyways, thanks for taking care of me Jason. You make being sick 10 times better than before - if that makes any sense from my cold addled brain. (Did I also mention he rented a few rom-coms at the video store - he's golden!).
Now off for more resting and not worrying about what needs to be done for tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet hubby you have :) ...and he takes rockin' photos! What show did you guys see?

magooski said...

The crystal ballroom birthday show with Menomena

simzgirl said...

Hey we both spent our Mondays in similar fashion: having our men take care of us! Isn't it great to be reminded of why we married them?