Thursday, January 04, 2007

wishes expressed through art projects

Sometimes I wish that I were back in grade school and we were doing that project where you research careers you were interested in. You look up how much each career makes, the schooling involved, interview people who are actually in that particular career and make a handy dandy mobile or diorama to convey your results. However, I wish that I could research several careers at once - like a pastry chef, bread baker, bartender, program director with his/her own office (which sounds fabulous when your desk is clustered up to the gills with kids), maybe even a fashion consultant (to keep that 6th grade desire close by). I would interview people at these jobs and try to get a sense of what my career should be. Questions I could ask include: what is it like to work with adults? Can you go on a coffee break like normal people at 10am? What about having the freedom to use the bathroom when you want to instead of waiting for well-timed breaks? Do people leave you alone for the most part (in which person with office would say, duh, I just shut the door!)? Am I skilled enough to do your job?
Don't get me wrong - I'm not looking for a new job right now. But I am trying to get a feel for myself and to see if my current profession is the one for me long-term. See, the everyday pangs of my job - early mornings, non-stop madness, too many people to interact with, dreaming about content/planning, discomfort, and most of all, the outside work, sometimes just gets to me. Yes, I do get wonderful breaks and I get out early and that is a point. I'm just that person who wonders, what else is in store? For so many years, I was so focused on success and getting as far as I can in terms of grades and school. But now, those days are over, and part of me can't decide what to do about that.
Perhaps I should make a diorama or a hanging mobile to figure it all out. :)


simzgirl said...

I think we all do that. It is "the grass is alway greener on the other side" theory. And I am sure those other jobs have their faults as well (if they only told us THAT in the interviews!!) But if you really do want to pursue other things, I know you are surrounded by a lot of people who would totally support you in your decision. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll help you with your new diorama if you want! Seriously, you have a lot of talents and you'll figure it out eventually. I'll be there to help.

Anonymous said...

I hear you. I yearn for breaks, because then no one asks me for permission to go to the bathroom. My mental health always seem to be good during breaks and then once I'm back with the "kiddlin's" I can feel the tension build and build. Why can't we bring back the days of corporal punishment? At least I'd feel better. ;-)

Bathroom breaks? What are those? I'm the world champion of mind over matter if you know what I mean.

As for art projects, I love using them in class because I really loved doing them so many years ago! Plus it gives me a break to let the kids create. I do hate it though when they steal my supplies though. Oh well. It's just markers, and y'know those walls were just were asking to get tagged!

A new job? Well I've always considered it, but I do have to look at the little things and see how I affect these impressonable teens. That's why I come back every morning. I get the typical 30 "good mornings" with a smile as I go down the halls, and listening to their stories that they want to share. It's a hard job, and one that often tears at my inner soul, often taking on their problems, and wondering how I failed the "failing" student. It does have its rewards, and I know that I do make an impact. Hang in there! You know I'm always around as a sympathetic ear.