Tuesday, December 16, 2008

the big question

...whether I will go back to school in 2008?! Been home for the past two days for snow days (and Kelly, please laugh - these people are ridick! it sickens me a bit that we can't take the bus places or drive in snow. not that I am driving, but I know enough to not drive and take the bus) and it looks like there is a wild storm coming in for tonight into even Thursday. The weather folk, who are so giddy with their correct forecast on Sunday that I think are getting a bit big in their britches, are saying tomorrow is going to be "wild". So it's just me, a Christmas tree (see left), a cooped up dog who looooovvvveeesss the snow and likes to pull people along, and some reading and christmas card writing/package wrapping. And a boy who still has to go to work. Sadly, I would be okay going to work because we have off next week....and I feel bad that Jason has to go to work while I relax at home. At least no one has to let Lola out :).
But hey, we're going out tonight to eat some chicken chili ole and drink beer and have fun. Because I at least don't have to be at work until 10am. And I might as well drink. Hope you are warm and happy where you are and I bet that I beat you for most pieces of clothing worn to bed last night!


Unknown said...

Shawn is wondering the same thing...will he [have to] see the kids again in 2008??? He's at school today, but they are off as well. I'm at home...sorta staying warm.

Jason Quigley said...

It's snowing! OMFG we're all gonna die! There's at least 1/2 inch on the ground! ARCTIC BLAST!

DarkTrail said...

It snowed in Malibu. What the hell is going on! I just looked at the webcam for Portland, and it looks all white. Have fun Megan.

rudechack said...

I'm glad you're at least getting to experience a bit of snow out there! We had a really crazy weekend complete with TWO snow storms, so we're still buried. No more school for us in '08!