Monday, December 01, 2008

December already?

Hello again! Started thinking about my sad state of blog affairs and decided to post some new entries - in the last year there have been lots of changes and lots of sameses - primarily we bought a house, welcomed a furry friend into the household (not the mouse we had earlier in the summer!), and generally just lived the life of twenty-somethings in Portland. I've read lots of books, seen lots of movies, and am pleased with the direction of our new government. Overall, with the beginning of a new month and a relaxing weekend of Turkey Day behind me, I'm ready to reclaim back the life I want and I will share that life with ya'll.

I just read a book called The Sharper your Knife, the Less you Cry by Kathleen Flinn about a woman who goes to the Le Cordon Bleu cooking school at age 36 and was definitely enthralled, but also I took away a powerful message: taste, taste, taste. This mantra is something I want to keep close in my life as I try to enjoy my year of being 28 (which sounds crazy old to me).

With that said, Lola (the furry friend who happens to be an almost 6 month old Springer Spaniel) is running in circles and I think wants dinner. Or to get high. Or to eat my hand. Or she's finding ghosts in the dust in the house. She's totally crazy. Have an excellent Monday night and I promise to update more soon.

xoxo MQ


Jason Quigley said...

welcome back to the blog world :)

simzgirl said...

Ditto what Jason said! Blogging is good for you. Very cathartic. But don't ever feel pressured. Keep it fun!

Oh and I still have a link to your blog on my site. I knew you'd be back!