Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Gimme a cheap commercial any day...

While I was reading the Mercury blog today, I stumbled upon a post that totally brought back me back. You should totally check it out:
What's funny is that these commercials are all over the place in SoCal. And my dad actually gave my cousin money one time to buy two tvs from this man. I think he gave him like 500 dollars in cash to get two 36 inch tvs. That TV has long since passed, but Crazy Gideon lives on. I love that guy. All I need now is to see Paul's big screen tvs whose catch phrase is: "I am the King". Ahh, I love cheap commercials.


rudechack said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're back!

Jason Quigley said...

that dude is terrifying.

rudechack said...

and by the way, my vote for 'my movie is not listed here' is for HOME ALONE!!!!!

DarkTrail said...

"I'm stack em deep and sell them cheap" Why, because I'm CRAZY!"

I love that guy!

For my movie pick....A Christmas Story.