Friday, September 22, 2006

friday gone wack

Yesterday I kept thinking that it was Friday, when it was Thursday. Maybe because I was excited to have company over (hooray for wonderful company - I had a blast making burgers and pie!) and because it was my first 5 day week (don't laugh). Or maybe because I truly feel that the 4 day week is the most viable option for survival. Can you imagine? Three day weekends ALL THE TIME? I think it would be heaven AND I would probably get more work done because I would be rested and happy. C'mon America, let's get our act together and revamp the "working week" and make it Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday. You would have so many people backing you up and not because we don't want to work as much (well.....), but because it's about life quality people. If you're so Fffing tired on Friday, you don't want to as much open your refrigerator so you have to order pizza, that doesn't make any sense at all. In fact, not to step further on the soap box or anything, but these 5 day work weeks are probably contributing to obesity and poor health in this nation. Okay, stepping off soap box now.
However, 4 day weeks are not what I'm going to get right now, so I must make the best of it and try to enjoy these precious two days each week. Although ordering pizza is sounding better and better over the grumble of my stomach.

1 comment:

simzgirl said...

Ok, firstly, the pie and burgers were fabulous. Thank you so much!
Secondly, I whole-heartedly agree with you on the 4-day work week issue. ALL aspects of it.
Lastly, I just hate it when I feel like it is one day of the week only to find out it is not. It really messes with my head!